

The legal 500 Image3 Image5 Chambers Europe Image4
Office information
Zwartbol Advocaten B.V.

Cortgene 121
2951 EC Alblasserdam

Postbus 106
2950 AC Alblasserdam

General number: +31 (0)78 699 25 25
General fax number: +31 (0)78 699 25 23

Chamber of Comerce number : 2444.7741.
VAT number : NL 820158823B01

Zwartbol Advocaten B.V. is a private limited company. Zwartbol Advocaten B.V. is referred to in this website as Zwartbol Advocaten.

All the lawyers who work for Zwartbol Advocaten are registered in the Netherlands with the Netherlands Bar Association. For more information, please visit: www.advocatenorde.nl . The Counsel Act and all the various rules of conduct and regulations of the Netherlands Bar Association apply to all the lawyers at Zwartbol Advocaten. For further information, please visit: http://www.advocatenorde.nl/wetenregelgeving/vademecum/asp .
The general terms and conditions, as mentioned elsewhere on this website, apply to all instructions agreed with Zwartbol Advocaten. These General Terms & Conditions can also be sent to you upon request. Among other things, these general terms and conditions include the clause that Zwartbol Advocaten's liability is limited to the amount that is paid out by the businesses' and professions' liability insurance for a particular case and increased by the policy excess which, in accordance with the policy terms, is not at the expense of the insurer. More information about Zwartbol Advocaten's businesses' and professions' liability insurance can be obtained from Bas Ort.

The lawyers at Zwartbol Advocaten give each case the attention it deserves and make sure that the interests of each client are served optimally. Nevertheless, there is always the possibility that you are not completely satisfied. Zwartbol Advocaten is not affiliated to a Complaints or Disputes Settlement Scheme, but should there be any complaints about the quality of one of Zwartbol Advocaten's lawyes and/or about the steepness of the fees, then in principle you can always first discuss this with the relevant lawyer him/herself. After the complaint has been brought to his/her attention, the lawyer will try to find a solution together with you as soon as possible. Should this not be to your saisfaction, you can turn to Bas Ort, complaints manager, or - in his absence, or if the complaint concerns Bas Ort - to Lex van Bruggen, vice-complaints officer. The complaints (vice-) officer will immediately start processing the complaint and, after having heard both sides of the story, will try to find a reasonable solution. When treating the complaint the objective will be to resolve the complaint reasonably, on the one hand, and to maintain and improve the relationship with the client on the other hand. If no solution can be found after intervention by the (vice-) complaints officer, you will be referred to the Dean and be made aware of the possibility to hold Zwartbol Advocaten liable in the usual way under civil law. Every complaint is an incentive for Zwartbol Advocaten to do its utmost to improve its services.

For more information, please contact Bas Ort at e-mailadres: ort@zwartbol.eu